Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Finish Line

It was a good day of learning, folks.  Thanks for your thinking.  You made me a better educator and person by sharing so freely. 

Once you've responded to all the prompts as directed, you're done for the day.

You can go home, or stay home, or go to the bar, or stay at the bar, or...

We're done.  


  1. Thank you, everyone! Have a great evening

  2. Have a good afternoon Dr. Coulter.

  3. Thank you for such a great day of learning as well! I just have a few questions:

    1) How do you feel as though we aided in you becoming a better educator? I know we did, but how specifically?
    2) Is there a particular reason or significance behind why learning activities for this morning and afternoon were grouped in seven's?

    1. You stretch my thinking. Most of what I read from you all is something I've seen or heard or even said myself. But the emotion and passion that underlies some of the contributions often jumps off the page. Specifically, I had never read the Children Learn What They Live piece that SG shared. Cool stuff, and spot on.
      No significance to the 7 structuring.

  4. Thank you for the interactive online class.

  5. This was GREAT! I was so sad about missing this class. Thanks for all the collaboration team!
