Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Commentary Pause

Thanks for participating with gusto, group.  As I told you yesterday, this format is a bit clunkier than face-to-face but way better than asynchronous virtual learning (in which it is VERY difficult to accomplish engagement).

Just like the Ukranian artist and the retired NFL football coach, each of the special interest groups you all identified (and, yes, there are others you didn't identify) are "watching the same game."  Yet, they are doing so through completely different sets of lenses and filters.  Some are quite knowledgeable, some not; but ALL have an interest and stake in the school.  This is one of those Standard 6 areas where many principals stumble.  Understanding the variant interest groups which will want to influence the decisions you make (either directly or through political subversion) is critical.  Engaging them is important.  Communicating with them is imperative.  Having a clear vision, a congruent message (for all parties), and high passion for achieving your declared "mission" will make dealing with those complexities much more manageable (but never easy).

LUNCH!  I'll be tossing you new learning tasks at 1:00 p.m.

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