Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#7: The View

Slide #5 in the deck provides an interesting picture with a question at the bottom.  

Succinctly try to answer the question regarding the two individuals identified with the callout bubbles.


  1. Artist from Ukraine: Sees football and is thinking about how it compares to soccer because football is a unique American sport; wondering about rules, structure of game
    Former NFL coach: Once a coach, always a coach - looking for talented players, critiquing coaches/plays called/players/strategies used in game, looks irritated so game may be going badly

  2. The retired NFL coach is seeing all the technicalities of the game - the players movements, the plays themselves, the coach's interactions with the players. He is probably also thinking about what he would do as the coach. The artist from Ukraine is probably taking in the culture of football games - the number of people in attendance, how they react to games, what the fans wear and say. He is also probably trying to pick up on the rules of the game. His view is most likely more "whole picture"

  3. Retired football coach- "Why aren't they running the ball? Who is calling these plays?"
    Artist from Ukraine- "American football, I don't understand."

  4. the artist from Ukraine: sees the game and is thinking about the visual connections of everything, trying to understand the end goal of the game, seeing what causes each reaction of the reps, the coaches, the scoreboard, and the players. He sees it in wonderment.
    The former NFL Coach: Is skeptical or impressed by what is going on in the game. He is seeing the decisions being made and comparing them to what he would do in the same situation. He is seeing if the right players are being used in the right way. He is predicting what may be the result of each move. He is admiring the good things that he may not have considered as a coach but is critiquing the bad things that he would never do as a coach.

  5. Artist from Ukraine: "I'm really looking forward to the band halftime performance!"

    Former NFL Coach: "What on EARTH is that coach thinking!!?? The other team just scored two touchdowns and the coach keeps running the ball. You can't run the ball you have to THROW the ball!!! He needs to teach his team how to gain some yards down there!!!"

  6. Artist from Ukraine: Looking for patterns in the game that are relatable to something he already knows--perhaps soccer? He is maybe thinking about structures and rules of the game, maybe trying to understand the fans reactions to things happening on the field. Has no particular expectations of the game, is just watching and making sense of it for himself.
    Coach: Looking at potential in the players, who would he recruit if her were still coaching? Perhaps evaluating the coaching of the coaches, also looking at patterns--he has an informed view so he can anticipate that if "this happens, that will follow" and is anticipating some things based on experience. Has some expectations about what a good game of football looks like.

  7. Artist from Ukraine: "What in the WORLD is going on?"

    Retired NFL Coach: Wondering why the coach is making a certain call, or why a player made a certain play. Critiquing the game as he watches it unfold.

  8. Looking at everyone first, I think this is an unexciting, worriesome, or confusing time in the game; a time out or someone is injured, so I think
    Artist: was looking at this as an exciting new opportunity, but now viewing it with confusion, curiosity or skepticism
    Coach: evaluative, thinking critically from a "what I would do.." lens; he's obviously been very vocal or grumpy judging by the body language of the two ladies he in between.... or they just see this regularly.

  9. Ukraine- "so violent, why do they like this game"
    Coach- "take it to'em, come'on ref" or "the eyes if Texas are upon you"

  10. Dr. Coulter, I am sorry, I asked an additional question back in the PLE section.

  11. Ukrainian: What is this football?
    Coach: What are they doing? They should be.... If I were their coach...

  12. Ukraine Artist: Too busy trying to understand the technicality of the game to get the overall picture/experience.
    Retired Coach: He sees the bigger picture. Anticipating the outcome based on prior knowledge and experience, while coming up with his own solutions and suggestions to win.

  13. Artist is trying to understand the point, rules, and social aspects of the game. Probably equivalent to what limited-English speakers feel when they first arrive to U.S. classrooms. The artist is looking at the big picture.
    The retired football coach is looking at every single detail and analyzing every play. He is looking critically at the game with a laser focus that may not see the whole picture.

    1. Interesting, I thought the exact opposite at first. I see your point too.

  14. Football coach: Looking at technical aspects of game, judging whether plays were effective or not. Possibly thinking that he wishes he was still a coach.

    Artist: enjoying the other aspects of the football game (cheers, food, etc), trying to gauge general aspects of game (how it works); thinking about how it relates back to art
