Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#5: Micro vs Macro

You will find "June 17 Slides" in the Coulter Resources folder.

Slide #2 links to two short videos of thinkers who comment forcefully on our vocation/avocation.

Please identify two similarities you see/hear in their arguments about education.

Please identify two differences you perceive in their perspectives about education.


  1. Similarities in arguments about education:
    1. Our current system was built for a different age, when information was more valuable
    2. Education should be about awakening creativity - this is what is needed in the real world, not facts

  2. Similarities:
    1, Education, and how we do it, must change.
    2. Education has been the same as it was in the past, however our environments have changed.
    1. The first video believes the problem with educations stems from the value decreasing. The second video believes one of the problems with education is the students no longer find it interesting as a result of medical diagnoiss and medication.
    2. The first video believes education should be offered in an alternative manner that correlates with how society is operating with information being free to everyone. The second video believes some of the beliefs of education (standardized test, there's one right answer for each question, do not copy/share answers, students should be catagorized by age groups, etc.) should change in order to create a more collaborative and divergent-thinking educational environment.

  3. Similarities
    -Both talk about education not changing or keeping up. It was designed for a different time.
    -Education is more than just teaching facts, it is about divergent thinking and empowering students

    -Dan Brown video talks of the devaluing of information and how education needs to adapt. Near the beginning of the RSA video, education becoming more attainable was viewed a bit more positively than DB video.
    -DB talks about a revolution while RSA talks about a stagnant, industrialized education system

  4. Dan's perspective focused on the advent of the internet and how this played a significant role in decreasing the value of information and therefore public education. It seemed like he would be more in favor of independent studies, or more generally, heutagogy. I thought Ken saw more value in public education for all but that the system needs to take on a different form, quit being a factory, and create collaborative learning opportunities.

  5. Similarities:
    1-Schools want things quantifiable as if learning is the same experience for all and is able to be measured;
    2-And want all students to '"think" in the same way.

  6. Similarities:
    1. Education as we know it is antiquated, current structures are outdated and are not serving our students. We currently are trying to "meet the future by doing what we did in the past" and it isn't working.
    2. Educators are responsible for fixing this for our students and society.

    1. Dan Brown- The educational revolution should be centered around technology integration and information access, as other industries have revolutionized to fit the free market of information, education needs to as well.
    2. Sir Ken Robinson - As opposed to Dan Brown, it seems like Sir Ken Robinson has a bigger picture view of a systematic shift with historical context that needs to be uprooted. He said at one point when discussing the way that we "batch manufacture" students by grouping them together in age groups that the "exact opposite is necessary" of almost everything we are doing, a true divergent thinking model applied to education.

  7. Similarities- the idea to thinking differently about education, and against the conformity of academic learning and the push for divergent thinking towards our higher institutions of learning

    Differences- Dan may be more of an isolated learner while Kirk says we learn best in groups, Dan seems to be more digital oriented, while Kirk not so much, he is more rounded about his approach to learning it in a certain way

  8. Dr. Coulter,

    Alejandro said he is having some issues with his computer.

  9. Note: the audio cuts off on Sir Robinson's video in the last 30 seconds when he's summarizing his plan.

    Similarities: 1) Current educational system is broken and must be revamped. We are not preparing our children for the future in the informational age because we're using an outdated system to deliver information. 2) Dan believes the function of school is to prepare children to be creative and empower them to change the world for the better. Sir Robinson believes that school's purpose is to foster divergent thinking which differs from creativity. To him, divergent thinking is essential to creativity which is original ideas that have value. Children need this ability to think divergently, or creatively, to succeed in today's world.
    Differences: 1) Dan believes that the educational system is unnecessary now. He states that the value of information is now $0, so formalized education (as it stands) is unnecessary. In other words, information is available to all who have internet access. Sir Robinson believes that the educational system is necessary but needs to be reconfigured to take into account the economic and cultural realities of today's world. 2) The culture of school can be changed to prepare children for the future. I get the impression that Dan has already given up on schools, while Sir Robinson believes that schools can be fixed. This is why Dan quit school but Sir Robinson thinks we need to focus on our definitions about human capacity. Since I couldn't hear the last 30 seconds of his speech, I didn't hear his summation. I'm assuming he ended with some suggestions for how to fix the system.

  10. Similarities:
    Teachers need to "fix" students
    Our model of education is not serving our new needs

    KR sees learning as more of a web -- collaborative learning, DB sees it as more self-guided/ independent

    DB sees our access to info through technology as the center of learning, where KR still sees school/learning settings(?) with collaborative thinking as essential

  11. Similarities:
    1. The belief that we "are trying to meet the future by doing what they did in the past"
    2. The world is incredibly stimulating, changing, and accessible.

    1. Dan Brown's views our on the issue of the systems and structures of education, while Ken Robinson focuses on the values of curriculum and student aptitude (though both played on and supported both of these ideas to an extent) .
    2. The first video focused on technological innovation as the change that needed to be adapted and built upon in schools, while the second focused on creativity.

  12. 1) Both videos agree that there is a paradigm shift as it pertains to the landscape of education, but the former video points to an increase in technology, while the second video points to moreso political factors.

    2) When it comes to learning, both videos agree that there is a disconnect between the way schools teach and the way students learn, however the first video emphasizes the disconnect pertaining to the teaching of facts in a boring school setting while the second seemingly highlights a lack of collaboration.

  13. Differences:
    1-DB sees technology as the next obvious answer to learning and that schools are not adapting;
    2-KR is more focused on the human to human interaction of learning that is more about connections.

    1. Didn't get to see the entirety of videos due to tech problems so I summarized what I think I got!

  14. Dan Brown: Agree (similarities)

    "in the information age, facts are free". I agree that the way most institutionalized classes are taught contrary to creative methods that work.
    "the world is changing and if you don't change with it, the world will decide that it doesn't need you anymore". This reminded me of the Rise of the Creative Class

    Disagree (differences)

    I am uncomfortable with black and white approaches - it seems like saying something is absolutely incorrect is dangerous. There is a time and a place for lecture.

    Sir Ken Robinson:

    Agree: our kids don't believe that a degree is a guarantee. It's better to have one, but it's not necessary anymore.

    Over-identification and medication of ADHD which has risen in parallel to standardized testing "we shouldn't be putting them to sleep, we should be waking them up"

    No disagreements on this one.


  15. Similarities
    1. Both agreed that historical social structure has led to unequal access to eduction.
    2. Both agree that educational systems must switch up their structures, just like social structures change. Educational systems must change with the world.

    1. Dan Brown claims that changes in education need to be made because of new technology and "free" information. Sir Ken Robinson says the changes in education stem from economic and cultural changes.
    2. The videos disagree on how educational institutions are missing student engagement.

  16. Similarities:
    1. Both describe the deep fundamental problems of the education system
    2. Both are white males discussing the problems of ed system. I wish they would acknowledge this reality.

    How to get there: DB talks revolution and leveraging technology/innovation while SKR is more process oriented and leverages human collaboration and creativity
