Wednesday, June 17, 2015

#2: PLE Questions?

Let's have some brief Q&A regarding your PLE work.  

Fire away if you have questions.  (If no questions emerge by 9:30 am, I'll move on.)


  1. What is the difference between a "continuous improvement plan" and the PD calendar? Is the continuous improvement plan where we would put specific goals based on the data from our school, or am I way off base there?

    1. On the continuous improvement plan I am seeking to see what kinds of processes, communications, and structuring you intend to use to reinforce the importance of "getting better, everyday, on purpose" with faculty and staff (and students). Not a dissertation, can be bullets, but a thoughtfully considered "plan" nonetheless.

      The PD calendar will indicate what kinds of PD you plan to deploy through the year and the approximate dates of those deployments.

  2. Could you elaborate on the personal growth plan?

    1. We will talk at some length about that next week, but one of my previous bosses compelled me to always have a personal growth plan for myself. I've been crafting and monitoring same for about 12 years now. In fact, I revise it each June. Bottom line, begin thinking deeply about the areas of your own learning and skills set that you intend to get better at (daily, and on purpose) and get that stuff in print (or graphic form of some kind).

    2. I feel like I have a lot of areas where I would like to see personal growth. How many should I focus on? And is there a process for this? Is it about reading and implementing and using trial and error? Do I share my growth areas with someone who can give honest feedback or is it best as a self reflective activity?

    3. @ Amie: The breadth of that plan is your call. I prefer to make it something "personal" as I assess my progress, but I share it freely with others (like you all). The reason I make it "public" is because of the psychological research that indicates I'm much more apt to "work on" those elements if I've told others that I'm working on those elements.

  3. For the presentation of PLE--are we addressing the audience as if they are the faculty, or our supervisor, or just walking through what we put together . . . ?

    1. You are to pretend that the superintendent, executive team, and the school board are your audience. You're "selling" your plans for the rescue of that campus. (I understand the "contrived" window of the timelines, but it is what it is.)

  4. Can you please speak more about what you mean by fully aligned with the ELCC standards? Specifically, how much do you want us to tailor our artifacts specifically to our assigned schools?

    1. The ELCC Standards are quite well aligned with the certification exams in all states. Obviously, states "flavor" their standards per regional values/beliefs. By constantly pinging against the ELCC Standards I am intentionally trying to better prepare you to pass the certification exam you will face next spring. Thus, I keep bringing your eyes and thinking back to those standards, as those are the constructs and language you will need to demonstrate fluency in. (Yep, I ended a sentence with a preposition.)

  5. In presenting the PLE's, we have a rather significant amount of material to present in a small time frame. Anything to focus on in particular?

    1. Ah! The principal's dilemma. Short time window, audience with limited attention span, too much stuff to say... I expect you'll focus on the items/message that best sell your "vision" of the campus. Just a guess, but I'm betting none of you go into great explanations of the Employee Handbook.

  6. On the Instructional Supervision Plan, are you wanting us to articulate the process for observations and evaluations? the expectations for walkthroughs? the process for developing growth plans?

    1. Generally, yes. I'm not looking for a manual, but rather a sort of roadmap by which you plan to deploy/communicate your activities in relation to instructional quality. Don't make a monster of it. Tell me what you plan to do, how you plan to do it, and how frequently intend to do this or that.

  7. Can you elaborate on the communications plan?

  8. What I am interested in seeing is the processes and frequencies you intend to use in effectively coordinating your communications. By what means will you be communicating, who will be in charge of what, how frequently will you engage in outward communications (newsletters? forums? tweets? etc.). Not a manual, but a pretty well-defined plan (some of which can be calendared) to ensure that that congruent message is like a steady drumbeat in the jungle.
